11 July 2012

New Yorker!!

                              It's Wednesday :) RIP To Mr.KING OF COMEDY  dolphy :( The whole filipinos are mourning for the lost :( Its a great honor for me to have watched his television shows, and how great he acted.... so much for that i have been doing DIY"S in quite awhile now but idk if i'll post
it here so... what will people do when their bored?... so here's the look a called it #The New Yorker XD!

#Top-, American Apparel
#Short- DIY Been Thrifted
#Shoes- Wedges

How the back looks! :)
 Dam Seriously -.- I'm Scratching my ears when the camera \
starts clicking >.<

A Closer look! 

by the way the shorts are light wash-off and it's high waisted!

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